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Belong, Believe, Become

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Governing Body

Our Governing Body plays an important role in supporting and challenging the school and ensuring that its Christian Distinctiveness and values are clearly evident throughout policies and practices. 


The Chair of the Governing Body is Chris Ball. Contact can be made with them through the school office. 


We are often looking for new governors from the community to join us so do please send any recommendations to us and look out for parent elections as they arise. 

Swannington C of E Primary School Governing Body
NameAppointment TypeAppointment Ends
Hayley Ryder-SmithExecutive Head TeacherWhile in post 
Chris BallChair of Governors 12.02.2027
John Hardbattle Co-opted Governor 12.02.2027
Reverend Darren Walker Ex-officio foundation Governor01.09.2025
Nikki Cole Parent Governor 19.02.2027
Rachael Maybury Staff Governor 30.08.2025
Siobhan Bunniss Parent Governor 01.05.2028

