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Belong, Believe, Become

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Welcome to Swannington CofE Primary School. We are proud to be part of the Rise Multi Academy trust and a Church of England School, sitting at the very heart of our village community in Swannington. 


We hope you have an interesting visit learning all about our wonderful school through our school website. Make sure you have a look at our class pages and the other things we do to get a flavour of what our school is like. 


A warm welcome awaits all visitors, but do feel free to come and see us in person as well to see our lovely well-behaved children and some great learning in action. 


Mrs Hayley Ryder-Smith 

Executive Headteacher





Welcome to Swannington CofE Primary

Still image for this video

School Open Hours


School Begins: 8:50am 

Morning Break: 10:20 - 10:40am

Lunch Break: 12:00 - 1:00pm

Afternoon Session: 1:00pm

School Ends: 3:15pm
