Take a look at what we have been getting up to...
13.09.24 - Maths - We have been developing our understanding of numbers using fewer, more and the same as.

PSHCE - We have been thinking about different feelings and how people show their feelings differently. We played 'feeling charades' to work out how the person was feeling and then we wrote down our own special people that we can talk to if we are feeling sad or worried.

12.09.2024 - English - We went on a verb hunt around the classroom and decided whether the verbs were action or being verbs.

09.09.24 - School Locality Fieldwork - We walked around Swannington to follow a planned route and to make notes of any human and physical features we spotted on our walk.

03.09.2024 - Geography - We have been practising using our directional vocabulary by telling our partners which way to move the toy cars.

Maths - We have started the Autumn term focusing on Place Value to 20. Oak class have been working fantastically making numbers to 20 using their ten frames and Numicon.

27.08.2024 - As part of our Geography topic of School Locality, we took a tour around the school ready to draw our own plan of the school.

Check out our clay sculpture fish designs!

We have been using our sculpting techniques in Art to create our leaf designs!

We have been using our printing techniques in Art!

We have started our new Class reading book and we can't wait to find out what trouble Omar gets into!
Fire Safety Talk - We had a special visitor from Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service who spoke to us about how to be safe in fires. We were really good at the 'stop, drop and roll' technique!

Forest School Fridays - We enjoyed our Easter hunt, finding bears to exchange for chocolate eggs! We even made a mud slide!

History - We have been learning about The Great Fire of London and we tried to put out a fire using the same method they did in 1666.

Measuring in Maths!

Easter Experience - We loved having Rev. Darren in and talking to us about the Easter story. We took part in lots of fun activities all linked to the Easter story.
World Book Day 2024! - We dressed as nouns or adjectives and then created our own poem with each person/thing in it!
Y2 have been using metre sticks to find objects that are longer and shorter than a metre. They used their estimation skills before measuring accurately.

Science - We tested some materials to see if they are soluble or insoluble.

Science - Investigating how water changes shape and that it can be a liquid and a solid.

Science - We have been experimenting with everyday materials to test whether they are absorbent or waterproof.

Forest School - We had lots of fun in the Mud Kitchen this week!
We love our NEW LIBRARY!

Sewing - We have been using three different types of sewing techniques to create our very own rainbow themed pattern. We were really lucky to have some grown ups come to help too!

Pancake Day - We took part in our school tradition of pancake races!
Maths - Year 2 Multiplication and Division

PE - We are loving Gymnastics!

RE - Jewish Prayers - Oak class learned about how Jewish people pray and what they wear whilst praying, we even tried on a Tallit and Kippah ourselves.

Self Portraits - We sketched our portraits and then used other materials to create a multi-media self-portrait.

Art - We have been practicing drawing our eyes ready for creating our self-portrait.

Computing - BeeBots - We have been working on our computing skills giving our BeeBots a set of algorithms to follow.

RE - We have been learning about Judaism, today we had our very own Shabbat in class. We even ate freshly made Challah bread and said the Jewish prayer.
Maths - We have started our new unit of Money.

Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Crafts - We made clay ornaments to hang on our Christmas trees.

Christingle - We made our own Christingles and took part in our Christingle Service with Rev. Darren.
Cooking - We made our very own Fruit Crumbles!

Maths - Counting Vertices on shapes

Christmas Party - We played games, ate snacks and even had a visit from Santa Claus!

Nativity - We had the best time performing 'The Sleepy Shepherd' in the Village Hall.
Santa Fun Run - To raise money for Rainbows Charity, we put on our Santa hats and we took part in the Santa Fun Run, running our contribution to add to our family of schools distance to reach the final goal of reaching the North Pole!

Maths - We have been looking at shapes and sorting them into 2D and 3D shapes.

Science - We have been learning about what happens inside our body; how it moves and what happens to our food once we have eaten it!

Children in Need 2023
Anti-Bullying Day - Make a noise! We took part in the 'odd socks day' and created our own 'make a noise' posters about bullying.

Remembrance - We have created our own multimedia charcoal artwork as part of our learning about the importance of remembrance. Don't they look fantastic!

Forest School Fairy Houses

Victorians - We have been learning about Victorian life and how Victorian children lived. As part of our learning, we made our very own Victorian peg dolls.

PE Trip - We had an amazing morning at Ashby High School. We took part in multi-skill based challenges to develop our agility, balance and co-ordination.

ENGLISH - We had a great morning using role-play to get into character to understand what happens to the different characters in our new story 'Anansi and Tiger'.

PSHE - We had a visit from a lovely lady from SCARF and her special guest Harold the giraffe! We learnt lots of helpful information to help take care of our wonderful bodies!

LOCAL HISTORY - We went around our village and compared how Swannington used to look and compared it to now, take a look at our recreated photos!

Hough Mill - As part of out local history topic, we visited Hough Mill, Swannington. We learnt about how the mill worked and what it was used for. We also observed anything we could see that was from the past or present.