Photo Gallery
Geography (People and Population) 13.9.24
African Art - Masks 6.9.24
Tag Rugby (PE) - 5.9.24
In computing, we’ve been learning how to create stop motion animations.
Stop motion
Exploring what makes a good listener in PSCHE.
World War 2 trip to Beaumanor Hall.
We had an amazing day as evacuees today, learning what life would have been like in the war. We planned a meal and bought ingredients using rations, used code breaking to decipher messages and experienced what happens when an air raid siren goes off.
We loved the pancake races today!
We have created some amazing art work using geometric shapes and printing.
January: In our final science lesson, we designed a game which is powered by a circuit, and drew a circuit showing how it would work. We also had a go at operation, discussing how it works. Some of us even made our own buzzer game too!
January: Sycamore class have been carrying out investigations today in Science, looking at what happens when we change the number of bulbs or batteries in a circuit.
To celebrate anti-bullying, Sycamore class wrote a rap about bullying; they did a fab job!
On the 10th November, children in Sycamore class represented the school by laying a wreath at our village memorial and saying words of reflection.
This week, Sycamore class combined P.E and Science! In small groups, we planned and carried out an investigation into the effect exercise had on our pulse rates.
In our Science lesson yesterday, Sycamore class learnt about the flow of the blood through the heart, to the lungs to collect oxygen and then around the body. We walked through the route to help us remember it.
We've been working hard revising our migration vocabulary this afternoon, and considering advantages and disadvantages of migration to both the source country and home country.